Whether they are adult bed bugs or just hatched from eggs – baby bed bugs, both are pesky parasites and suck human blood. Unlike adult bed bugs, which are easy to identify due to their large size and reddish-brown colour, baby bed bugs are challenging to identify due to their extremely small size and translucent appearance.
After hatching from eggs, bed bugs pass through several instars to reach adulthood. The first stage is larvae which are incredibly tiny in size and white in colour.
After a few moulting phases, larvae become nymphs, approximately 1/16th of an inch in size and known as baby bed bugs.
Like their elders, baby bed bugs feed on warm-blooded animals and humans. At this immature stage of life, they are wingless and can’t fly.
But they can infest your home and ruin your sleep peace. Although you can’t see them with the naked eye, but in this article, you can learn complete detail about their appearance, size and effects of the bite.
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What are baby bed bugs?
During the growth journey, which starts after hatching from eggs and ends at adulthood, every stage is represented with a name to recognize the growth level of bed bugs.
Bed bugs at this juvenile stage are known as baby bed bugs or nymphs. Due to their incredibly tiny size and translucent appearance, their presence is challenging to suspect and can only be possible with the assistance of magnifying glass.
They feed the blood of humans and mammals to stay alive, and after feeding blood, they turn into reddish brown colour.
Like their parent bed bugs, they come out at night and stay in hiding during the day because they also belong to the nocturnal pest category.
That’s why clean your home regularly and inspect it daily to eliminate them.
Generally, they reside in grassy and woody areas, but they can also enter your home and spread quickly throughout the entire house.
Bed bugs life cycle
Bed bugs are infamous blood-sucking insects with reddish brown and 5-7 mm in length. A female bed bug can lay up to 5000 eggs. After egg hatching, the bed bugs go through multiple stages of moulting before approaching the adult stage, such as larvae and nymphs.
Bed bugs’ life cycle starts when a female lays eggs of white colour in the size of clusters. Because of their tiny size, female bed bugs can hide in cracks and lay eggs in complete protection.
The egg-hatching period of bed bugs is extended up to 7 days. After one week, larvae come out of eggs. Their colour is white or pale, and their size is extremely small.
Then, larvae pass through several instars till they reach nymphs. This stage comes after many intervals of moulting and feeding. During these stages of development, they feed blood from their host and grow large in size.
Then after a continuous feeding period of one month, nymphs become adults. At this stage, bed bugs continue feeding on the host and reproduce again.
Overall, bed bugs are not harmful to health and do not transmit diseases. But their bites are little of a concern and can cause severe irritation on your skin.

What do baby bed bugs look like?
Bed bug nymphs, often known as baby bed bugs, are about the size of a poppy seed and are a pale white or tan color.
As they develop, they continue to drink blood from their host, changing their original white color to a ruddy brown.
When they are first sprouting, they are so little that they hardly register on the radar. As they continue to consume food and expand in size, they take on a reddish brown color and become easily observable to the naked eye.
Young bed bugs, like their parents, prefer to spend their time out of sight in the cracks and crevices of beds, mattresses, and headboards close to their human host. There are few better places for bedbugs to hide than in these confined areas.
Adult bed bugs often conceal themselves in cracks and crevices, so it makes sense that their offspring would do the same. Given their little stature and stealthy demeanor, tracking them down is no easy task.
Pictures of baby bed bugs
Are baby bed bugs red, white, or black?
Bed bugs are considered baby bed bugs during their growth until adulthood.
During this time frame, baby bed bugs’ colour continuously changes before and after feeding.
In the early stages of baby bed bugs, they appear white or creamy. As they keep feeding, their body colour starts turning into a dark reddish hue due to blood digestion.
At the stage of nymphs, their body colour has turned into a permanent tan colour. Their blood-feeding and digestion continue until they grow into adult bed bugs.
Generally, the body appearance of adult bed bugs is dark black or reddish-brown.
Besides blood digestion, weather conditions and the type of host can also change the body colour of baby bed bugs.
For instance, if bed bugs are sucking blood from humans, their body appearance would be darker than the animal host.
What colour are baby bed bugs?
Generally, the colour of baby bed bugs is light tan or cream colour. But as they keep growing, their body colour converts into dark and reddish-brown colour.
This colour transformation is due to blood digestion after feeding from human or animal hosts. Their colour keeps varying according to the stage of development.
For example, their body colour is white and translucent when they hatch from eggs. As they grow and reach the stage of nymphs, their body colour changes into lite tan or cream colour. Further, when they become adult bed bugs, their body appearance has converted into dark black or reddish-brown colour.
Due to their tiny size, baby bed bugs are tough to identify. So, their colour is the only way to suspect their presence around you.
In addition, they leave a mark of red on the host’s body, which warns you about the presence of baby bed bugs near your rest area.
How small are baby bed bugs?
Tiny stature is a huge advantage for newborn bed bugs. They’re about the size of a poppy seed, or 1/16 of an inch in diameter. Adult bed bugs are much bigger than their little offspring.
They may be smaller than their forebears, but they are just as devastating. Due of their little size, they are among the most difficult and loathsome organisms to humans since they can readily conceal themselves in even the tiniest of crevices.
Do baby bed bugs move fast?
Generally, bed bugs can move fast, whether adult or baby bed bugs. But baby bed bugs are comparatively faster than adults because of their minimal size and lightweight.
Unlike adult bed bugs, their ability to move super-fast assists them in finding food resources and protecting themselves from the attack of predators.
Moreover, baby bed bugs can crawl through the tiniest in search of food and hide because of their small size.
On the other hand, adult bed bugs are heavier in weight and bigger, which slows down moving speed and restrict their entrance through the tiniest spaces.
Additionally, baby bed bugs can move easily and quickly in groups as they cover less space due to their small size. That’s how they can spread in every direction and infest at several points.
Do baby bed bugs bite?
Baby bed bugs pass through growing ages and need blood to quench their thirst and stay alive. Moreover, they need to feed blood to reach the adult stage and reproduce for the next generation.
That’s why it is evident that baby bed bugs can bite and suck the blood of humans and animals. Unfortunately, they can survive for several months without biting the new host if they cannot find a host.
Similar to adult bed bugs, bites of baby bed bugs can cause severe irritation and red spots on your body. Rarely in the worst conditions, their bites can cause difficulty in breathing and allergy in the body.
In case you suspect the presence of any bed bug, regularly check corners, bedding furniture and crevices to prevent chances of a large infestation.
Strictly follow hygienic habits and keep your housing clean to avoid the presence of baby bed bugs.
Do baby bed bug bites look the same as adult bed bug bites?
Although the bites seem identical, the size and severity of a bite from a baby bed bug and an adult bed bug are slightly different due to their relative sizes.
First, nymph bed bugs have smaller bites than their adult counterparts. This is because their body and mouth parts are so little.
Second, their bite does not cause nearly as much redness and inflammation as that of an adult bed bug. The inexperienced parasites have a harder time injecting saliva into their host before eating.
The itching that follows a bite from a baby bed bug is less than the itching that follows a bite from an adult bed bug because the baby bed insect cannot create as much allergen.
Can baby bed bugs lay eggs?
When baby bed bugs reach the third instar stage and have lived six weeks of their birth, female bed bugs can lay eggs and reproduce. This time frame depends upon the type of specie and the surrounding environment.
So, it can vary for each unique situation.
At stage of third instars, the female starts looking for a male bed bug kickstarting the reproduction process. Every day, female bed bugs lay five oval-shaped, white colour and small size eggs in the cracks of walls near their host.
Although, the capability of female baby bed bugs to lay eggs effectively is not comparable to adult bed bugs because they are not fully matured.
Also, their strength and stamina are significantly less to lay eggs frequently. Moreover, baby bed bugs have less power of resilience against predators and harsh environments.
Despite their small size and less power, baby bed bugs can still fight against all the dangers and reproduce to play their role in spreading bed bugs in your entire home.
Do baby bed bugs have wings?
The baby bed bug is in the early stage of its growth period, and at this stage, they do not have wings like adult bed bugs.
Generally, bed bugs do not rely on wings, whether adult or baby and can stay alive without wings. The reason is bed bugs have evolved their body and made them capable of moving fast and hiding in the tiniest spaces.
Now, bed bugs do not need to fly to reach the host’s body for feeding. They can crawl quickly and hide in tiny cracks after feeding blood from their host’s body.
Their six legs and lightweight support them to move fast and climb anywhere, such as walls, furniture etc. In fact, their wingless body is a plus point for them because they can easily squeeze their body and hide anywhere.
Where do baby bed bugs hide?
Baby bed bugs are tiny and almost invisible to the naked eye. Their body size is equivalent to a poppy seed’s size.
Also, the body colour of baby bed bugs is white or pale, which is not so easy to identify. Due to these reasons, baby bed bugs can easily hide anywhere, including electrical outlets, behind baseboards, beddings, and small cracks and crevices.
Their easy hiding ability also assists female bed bugs in laying eggs in peaceful hiding and hatching them till the baby bed bugs come out of the eggs.
Female bed bugs hide nearest the host body for reproduction so that after hatching, baby bed bugs can easily feed blood from the host.
Their favourite place near the host is cracking in furniture and bedding the folds of bed sheets and blankets.
Is a Bed Bug Nymph the Same Thing as a Baby Bed Bug?
Yes! Baby bed bugs and bed bug nymphs are both the same. At this stage, bed bugs are immature and weak. Further, nymph bed bugs pass through five nymphal feeding stages and moulting to reach adulthood.
Like adult bed bugs, they are also capable of biting and reproducing. Their bites can cause irritation and itching on your skin like adult bed bugs.
What is the main cause of bed bugs?
Bed bug nymphs like to congregate in unclean areas since it is there that they can best conceal and raise their young. A bed bug infestation is more likely if you don’t clean and maintain an unsanitary living environment.
Additionally, pests have built up their strength of resistance to chemical treatment, and bed bugs are no exception. Bed bugs are becoming immune to the majority of pesticides. Killing bed bugs and getting rid of them has gotten harder over the years.
The constant movement of individuals from one location to another also contributes to the global proliferation of bed bugs. Bed bugs are spread by moving furniture and personal belongings from one place to another.
How to get rid of baby bed bugs?
Getting rid of baby bed bugs is a tough challenge, and this struggle is no less than mental torture. There are several reasons behind this struggle, and some of these are explained below with their solution:
The one primary reason is their body size and colour, which assist them in hiding in the tiniest space where humans cannot reach. Their identification is another challenging task which makes their eradication almost impossible.
The best way to find their infestation is to search the surroundings of your bed, folds of your bed sheet and blanket. Carefully inspect your bedding, corners of the house, and cracks in the walls and furniture.
As soon as you find their hiding spot, instantly take effective action or call pest control services before it’s too late.
You can also use a vacuum cleaner, steam cleaner or bed bug spray to kill bed bugs on the spot. After successfully cleaning bed bugs, wash all clothes and bedding with boiling hot water to completely eradicate them.
Final verdict
In this article, we discussed that baby bed bugs and bed bug nymphs are both identical. At this stage, they are capable of laying eggs and reproducing. After this stage, baby bed bugs pass through five more phases of feeding and moulting to become adult bed bugs.
Like adult bed bugs, they do not have wings, and their body appearance is a white and cream light tan colour. To feed blood and grow, they can bite the host’s body. But their bite causes less irritation and itching due to small mouthparts.
Once they infest at one place in your home, they can quickly spread throughout the entire house. After that, getting rid of them is a very challenging task. So, when you suspect their presence, take quick and effective action to remove them from your house altogether.
Do baby bed bugs jump?
No, Baby bud bugs cannot jump because they are wingless. But as they keep feeding and reach the stage of adulthood, they grow wings on their body.
Besides this, they can move fast and hitchhike from one location to another. They can easily crawl and be transported through your clothes, luggage, or other moveable objects.
Baby bed bugs have developed their body, and now they are not dependent on wings to reach their host for feeding.
Can baby bed bugs live in your hair?
Baby bed bugs are pro hitchhikers and are also very lightweight. So, they can climb anywhere on your body, and their presence is feelingless. Yes! They can reach your head and live in your hair.
Moreover, bed bugs do not prefer to live on the host’s body and hide in places where carbon dioxide is abundant and environmental conditions are warm, like blankets, sofas, bed sheets, etc.
If they occasionally reach your head, it’s sure that bed bugs will not reside there permanently. As a precaution, wash your head regularly while living away from home.
How long can baby bed bugs live without feeding?
Unfortunately, baby bed bugs can even live without feeding blood for several months and stay in hiding to wait for the host.
However, they keep searching and try hard to find a host within 7-10 days. Unluckily, if they cannot find their host for feeding, they will go into a state of dormancy, and their development gets slow down.
Are baby bed bugs white?
No, the body colour of bed bugs or nymphs is tan or translucent and turns into reddish colour after blooding feeding. On the contrary, their elders’ body colour is reddish-brown.
Are baby bed bugs red?
Baby bed bugs’ body colour is also not red. At the nymph stage, the body colour of bed bugs is pale or lite tan, which changes into reddish colour after feeding. As they grow and feed, their body colour changes into dark black because they repeat blood digestion until adulthood.
Are baby bed bugs black?
Generally, the body appearance of adult bed bugs is dark black because of repeat blood digestion. But the colour of baby bed bugs is lite tan or cream colour, which becomes almost invisible if baby bed bugs don’t feed blood for a few days.
Are baby bed bugs clear?
Baby bed bugs are not clear, and their appearance is pale or translucent. When they hatch from eggs, their colour is white, and as they grow further after feeding and moulting, their colour changes at each stage.
Are baby bed bugs visible?
Baby bed bugs are translucent or creamy pesticides that are extremely small in size. That’s why they are almost invisible to the naked eye on the light-coloured background. On the other hand, they are clearly visible on dark background.
As they grow and pass other nymph’s stages to adulthood, their colour changes from creamy to lite tan and then dark black due to blood digestion.
Are baby bed bugs microscopic?
The body size of baby bed bugs is tiny, but they are not microscopic at all and are visible with the naked eye on dark background. Their size is equivalent to the size of a poppy seed. Generally, their body is 1.5 to 5 mm long, oval-shaped, and flat, which supports them to hide in the tiniest cracks of furniture and walls easily.
How many legs do baby bed bugs have?
Baby bed bugs are crawling insects, and they have six legs that assist them in moving quickly and climbing anywhere they want. They do not have wings, so they must crawl to reach their host’s body for blood feeding.
Featured image credit: Mohammed El Damir, Bugwood.org | slight edits were applied | licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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