What Does Roach Droppings Look Like?

Indeed, a large percentage of people across the world would not want to search for cockroach excretions, but doing that simple work can extremely aid in keeping away disease and infestation.

When embark of finding the location of cockroach defecations, the chances are that you will locate the hiding places for roaches in your house.

Usually, places where you situate a large proportion of cockroach droppings that is the “ground zero” location from which you should begin your control measures.

Cockroach droppings identification

As much the process of identifying roach droppings may seem simple, several people across the globe do not know the distinction of cockroach poop from those of other irritating insects and rodents living inside our houses.

In this section, we are going to assist you with the process of explicitly isolating out cockroach defecations when you see them.

Cockroach vs. rodent poop

The possibility of confusing the American roach droppings with those of rodents such as mice is usually very high. Look at the following key distinctions represented in the table.

Cockroach poop Rodent (e.g., mice) poop
Blunt endsPointed/ tapered ends
Have lines, or striations, along the sidesDo not have lines, or striations, along the sides

Note: The more gigantic American cockroaches leave cylindrical, dark poop, but the smaller or medium roaches leave black poop that looks like ground coffee or black pepper.

Cockroach black liquid

As much as the roaches leave poop behind, you may also find black liquid fecal spots, particularly in regions where they all flock together.  Usually, the higher the number of cockroaches, the higher the black liquid and fecal spots.

The liquid can also help you locate the cockroaches by just following its odor. Typically, the more the liquid, the higher the cockroach odor and certainly, the higher the number of cockroaches in that location.

Cockroach urine

Just like their poop, roaches will also urinate in any place, and their urine has been discovered to be harmful, it can cause several diseases such as E. coli, Asthma, and Salmonella. You will know that you are suffering from cockroach diseases if you show these signs:

  • Wheezing
  • Chest cough
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Fever
  • Chest tightness
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Joint and muscle pain

Cockroach vomit

Just like their urine and poop, cockroach vomit also can result in the spread of various diseases. Usually, cockroaches throw up digestive fluids as part of the process of eating.

That means cockroach has eaten anything can be having a wide range of cockroach diseases.

Photos of roach droppings

Since we have been discussing roach poops without images, I think at this point, it is important to see the pictures. To start with, picture 1 shows the roach droppings of large cockroach.

Cockroaches with eggs and feces Dirty and nasty

And, since we have looked at the distinctions between cockroaches and rodent poops, it is wise to show you the picture of rodent (mice or rat) poop. See picture 2 below:

Mouse poop turds feces under a bathroom sink

Where to find cockroach feces in the home?

Generally, cockroaches eliminate waste regardless of their location. That is to say that they do not have a particular location as people do. Nonetheless, there are locations where feces are more likely to be found than in others.

Usually, they excrete near their food sources and congregation or nesting locations. Inopportunely, because their food sources are frequently in (or near) ours, your food can easily get contaminated and as a result, the cockroach diseases transmitted.

Cockroach droppings are found in locations where roaches are situated. In case you have seen a big scurry on the back of your wall picture(s) or underneath your bed, the possibility of finding dropping in those locations are high.  Nevertheless, here is a list of some of the common locations to find roaches feces.

  • In storage places, particularly with organic storage material like papers and cardboard boxes
  • Kids’ toy chests, playpens and whatever else that the little gummy fingers can touch
  • Inside the corners of your house and all sideways the baseboards
  • Any openings or cracks in the walls, floors, or construction in general
  • Behind and underneath stoves, sinks, washers, refrigerators, cooking gas, and dryers
  • Inside cabinets, drawers, closets, pantries, and other feed storage locations

Importance of finding Cockroach feces in the house

As we have already indicated in the previous sections, the availability of feces in your house is a danger to your health, because it can aid in the spread of cockroach diseases.  In particular, the chances of developing asthma are higher when cockroach droppings are many in your house.  Apart from that, do you really want your kids and pets (dogs or cats) getting into contact with roaches’ defecation?

But in case you still want a reason to find cockroach droppings in your home, known that disregarding it will fascinate more cockroaches.  The droppings contain an aggregation pheromone, which triggers more roaches to come to that location.

In other words, the pheromone acts as a subpoenaing beacon to other cockroaches, making them come together in large numbers. The experts in pest control and management apply this idea to their advantage.

They put bait in premeditated locations near cockroach droppings to make sure that a large number of cockroaches get in contact with the poison.  The higher the response to the ordinary attractant pheromone left behind by other cockroaches, the higher the number of cockroaches that will die.

Is cockroach poop poisonous?

Yes, cockroach feces have bacteria that result in diarrhea, food poisoning, and Staphylococcus contaminations.

Given that roaches need a food source and, in most instances, scavenge food in dust bins, they pick up bacterial microorganisms on their bodies. Therefore, if they get into your house, they can deposit these microorganisms into your unprotected food.

Additionally, several disease-causing infective agents can multiply and grow in their digestive systems and can be rapidly be transmitted to plates, silverware, cooking surfaces, and several other places, during evacuation.

Therefore, the poop by roaches is extremely dangerous, and you should make sure that you take all the necessary measures to locate and most likely if you are not able to get rid of the cockroaches request the professionals to come in to assist you.

Do not risk your health or the health of your kids or pets by allowing large amounts of cockroach poop to stay around your home.

How to clean cockroach poop

Since we are now aware of the dangers of leaving cockroach poop in your house, here are some of the important steps you need to take so that to effectively eliminate the poop from your house.

  • When cleaning the cockroach droppings, vacuuming is one of the primary and safest approaches, because it lowers the possibilities of interaction. Using the horse attachments, start by vacuuming the higher surfaces such as refrigerator and cabinets tops, then followed by shelves, corners, cracks, and interiors. Make sure to use protective gears such as masks to lessen the chances of huffing airborne elements and also throw away the vacuum bag in a wrapped bin.
  • If you are doing the cleaning process using your hands, begin by wearing gloves, then spray any disinfectant on the feces of cockroaches to disinfect them before beginning the process of cleaning.
  • To eventually eliminate any traces of roaches’ droppings, clean the locations and adjacent surfaces using a piece of cloth dipped in warm water and soap. For optimal results, add baking soda to the water, soap mixture.
  • Alternatively, you can use citrus-based shampoo instead of soap/water solution, but that if that option has failed.
  • Always replace dirty water. Finally, when you have finished, wash the exteriors using plain water.
  • To conclude the whole process, make a pine-based disinfectant-water solution in a basin. Use a disinfectant spray to sterilize all surfaces that you have cleaned. This process will eliminate any allergen that remained behind, regardless of all the cleaning process, while dispiriting cockroach infiltration in future.

Professional Roach poop removal services in the US

In case you have followed the above steps in cleaning your house to eliminate cockroach droppings, but you are dissatisfied, or it has not worked, then you are advised to contact the experts.

If you Google for professional roach droppings removers in America, you will certainly receive a lot of suggestions.

For instance, the Tropical Exterminators, who can be contacted through a toll-free number 322-2157, can send you a team of professional technicians with skills, on how to effectively locate and eliminate cockroach droppings and cockroaches from your house.

Ehrlich is another example of a group of experts who can assist in removing cockroach droppings from your house.  Contact them through their free quote number 1-877-220-8676, and they will offer their optimal assistance to your problem.

Immediately you call them, and they will help you with a form of appointment, which you will fill indicating your issue and when you want the team of experts to visit your house.

Then after that, they will confirm and will send their team of experts, who are located across various parts in the USA. And with the application of their latest high-tech, they will certainly be able to remove cockroach droppings from your house.

Important Note: Before given any professional cockroach remover direction to your home, you must confirm if they are registered and licensed by the start to offer those services.

You should be more careful with those individuals who advertise their services on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

References Cockroach droppings

  1. https://www.trulynolen.ca/can-cockroaches-make-you-sick/
  2. https://homequicks.com/effective-ways-to-get-rid-of-roach-droppings
  3. https://www.tropicalexterminators.bs/cockroaches/
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