How to Keep Squirrels out of Garden | 13 Proven Methods

You are in the right place if you are looking for an answer to “how to keep squirrels out of garden“.

Gardening is a relaxing pastime that provides us with fresh produce and beautiful blooms. As we watch our plants flourish under our care, gardening can also give us a sense of satisfaction and calm.

Squirrels are cute and cuddly, but they can be destructive to your garden by eating your seeds and seedlings and digging up your bulbs.

If you don’t want all your hard work in the garden to be wasted, you need to take precautions against squirrels. This post will go through 13 methods to keep squirrels out of garden.

How to Keep Squirrels out of Garden

Method 1: Fencing

Building a fence around your garden may be necessary if you want to keep squirrels out of garden.

Chicken wire, hardware cloth, and wooden or vinyl picket fences are just a few of the alternatives for garden enclosures.

How much you can spend, how big your garden is, and your personal taste will all play a role in determining the best fence for you.

Low-cost, adaptable, and simple to set up, chicken wire is an excellent choice for enclosing your garden.

It’s constructed from thin, flexible wire braided into a hexagonal design, making it tough for squirrels to eat through or climb over. But it might not be as effective against stronger or bigger squirrels.

Hardware cloth, which is comprised of sturdier wire and has smaller holes, is a more long-lasting option. It’s more costly than chicken wire, but it keeps out squirrels and other pests far more effectively.

Wooden or vinyl picket fences are more expensive and need more upkeep than wire fences, but they can be just as successful at keeping squirrels out of the garden. Also, their efficacy against lesser pests is questionable.

Make sure the fence you build is high enough that squirrels can’t easily climb over it, and that it goes down at least 6 inches into the ground to stop them from tunneling under it.

Method 2: Netting

Netting is another option for keeping squirrels out of garden. Different kinds of netting are offered for different purposes.

Featherweight and mesh-like, bird netting is used to deter birds from eating crops and fruit trees.

Since it’s tough for squirrels to chew through or climb over, it’s also useful for keeping them away. On the other hand, it may not be enough to discourage particularly robust and persistent squirrels from eating your garden’s crops.

Deer netting is made of a stronger and more robust material than traditional netting, and it is used to keep deer away from gardens and plant life.

Squirrels will be less likely to climb on it because of its thicker, stronger wire and smaller holes. Although it can be more expensive, it is not always as aesthetically pleasing as other forms of netting.

When it comes to protecting your plants from pests, nothing beats plant netting, a lightweight mesh material.

Typically, it is manufactured out of a soft, elastic material that is simple to set up and take down, and it comes in a range of sizes to accommodate a wide range of plant species.

Squirrels can be kept away from your plants with the help of plant netting, however; this netting may not last as long as other options.

Make sure the netting you use to keep squirrels out of your garden is well-anchored to the soil and the plants it protects.

Squirrels won’t be able to chew through the mesh or dig under the fence because of this. The netting should be inspected frequently for damage or holes and patched or replaced as necessary.

Method 3: Sprays and Repellents

If you still have problems with squirrels in your garden, you might try using sprays and repellents. Various sprays and repellents, both chemical and natural, are readily accessible.

All-natural sprays and repellents contain only plant-based components and are safe for use around people and pets.

Citrus spray, spicy pepper spray, and other similar products fall under this category. The sprays can be made by combining the necessary ingredients with water and then applying the solution to plants or sections of the garden where squirrels are a problem.

Squirrels might be deterred from your plants thanks to the sprays’ powerful smell and flavor.

Chemical sprays and repellents are another choice, although they pose risks to people and animals’ health and the environment.

You can spray the perimeter of your garden with items containing predator urine, such as fox or coyote urine, to dissuade squirrels.

Zinc phosphide and cholecalciferol are two examples of chemicals found in other chemical repellents that are poisonous to squirrels. Use these items with care and in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions.

Keep in mind that sprays and repellents may not be permanent solutions to the problem of squirrels in your garden and may need to be applied frequently.

Because certain squirrels may develop a tolerance to the smell or flavor over time, they might not be effective.

Method 4: Physical Deterrents

If you want to keep squirrels away from your garden, you can install physical deterrents, such as fences or barriers. Some options for physical deterrents include:

  • Raised beds and containers make it harder for squirrels to access your garden and dig up bulbs.
  • Making use of trellises or cages to support your plants is a great way to both protect them from squirrels and allow climbing plants to flourish.
  • Squirrel baffles can be installed on bird feeders to deter squirrels, which are naturally drawn to the food they provide. Above or below the bird feeder, cone- or dome-shaped devices called squirrel baffles make it more difficult for squirrels to get to the seeds.
  • Putting up physical barriers, such plastic or metal sheeting, around the base of your plants or surrounding your garden, will deter squirrels from eating your plants or digging up your garden. They may not be as aesthetically pleasing as other solutions and may need regular maintenance to stay in place.

Method 5: Noise Deterrents

You can also use noise to scare the squirrels away from your garden. Among the available noise-cancelling technologies are:

  • Putting up a sprinkler with a motion detector, which is equipped with a switch that activates a water spray when it senses motion. Squirrels may be frightened away from your garden if there is a lot of abrupt commotion and movement.
  • Put in a wind chime or other noisemaker: Squirrels might avoid your garden if they hear this kind of commotion on a regular basis.
  • Placing a radio or other noisemaker near your garden and tuning it to a talk radio station may assist to dissuade squirrels from causing damage to your plants.

Bear in mind that noise deterrents may not be enough to keep squirrels out of your garden on their own and that you may need to use a combination of techniques to achieve the greatest results. The human race might find them bothersome, and they might not work in all settings.

Method 6: Visual Deterrents

One more strategy for keeping squirrels away from your garden is to use visual deterrents.

Visual deterrents include anything that can be seen from a distance and is intended to frighten the squirrels away. As examples of potential visual deterrents, we can mention a few possibilities:

  • Using reflectors: put reflective tape, foil, or balloons on stakes near your plants. Squirrels can be scared off by the movement and reflection of these materials.
  • Fake predators: place fake predators such owls, snakes, or Hawks in the garden or near your plants to deter squirrels. Because of the presence of these “fake” predators, squirrels may be deterred from entering the garden.
  • Using motion-activated lights: when a motion detector detects motion, the lights automatically switch on. Squirrels may be frightened away from your garden if you use bright lights and walk around quickly.

Method 7: Scent Deterrents

Another method for discouraging squirrels from visiting your garden is to use strong odors.

To discourage squirrels from skulking around your garden, you can use scent deterrents, which are compounds that emit an overpowering odor that the pests find repulsive.

Scent-deterrent options can include:

  • Verwendung von essential oils: squirrels are not fond of the strong aromas produced by some essential oils. Use a combination of a few drops of each of these oils in a spray bottle of water to protect your plants and garden from squirrels.
  • Using mothballs: mothballs have a very strong and unpleasant odor that drives squirrels away. However, they can be harmful to people and animals if not used properly and with prudence.
  • Using human or animal hair: Squirrels may be put off by the odour of humans and pets. Gather hair from your brush and your pet’s grooming sessions, and scatter sachets or bags containing the hair throughout your plants and garden.

Method 8: Planting Squirrel-Resistant Plants

Another strategy for discouraging squirrels from your garden is to plant things they don’t like. Squirrels tend to avoid and may be less attracted to the following plants:

  • Daffodils: if you plant daffodils, you may discourage squirrels from digging them up by covering the soil with a layer of sand or by using a barrier made of hardware cloth.
  • Alliums: squirrels may be deterred from your garden by planting alliums, which have a strong, pungent odor that turns them off.
  • Marigolds: possibly deterring squirrels with their strong, pungent odor are marigolds.
  • Fritillaries: The flowers in this family have a caustic sap that may dissuade squirrels from digging them up.
  • Foxgloves: The toxic sap secreted by these flowers is likely to dissuade squirrels from attempting to eat them by digging them up.

Warning: even if you plant squirrel-resistant plants, you may still need to take additional steps to keep squirrels out of your garden.

Sometimes squirrels can get used to the taste or scent of a certain plant and start eating it anyhow.

Method 9: Providing an Alternative Food Source

Another strategy for discouraging squirrels from destroying your garden is to offer them an attractive alternative food source.

You might be able to keep squirrels away from your garden and the plants in it if you put out food for them in a different part of your yard. Several ways exist for feeding squirrels with supplemental nutrition.

  • Setting up a squirrel feeder: squirrels can be enticed to your yard with the use of a feeder that will provide them with seeds, nuts, and other delights. If you want to keep squirrels from destroying your garden, put the feeder in a far corner of your yard.
  • Planting a squirrel-friendly garden: in order to create a garden that squirrels will enjoy: A squirrel’s favorite foods are nuts, seeds, and berries, therefore you may want to cultivate a section of your yard specifically for these foods. Squirrels may be discouraged from ravaging your main garden if they have a natural food supply to eat here.
  • Offering leftovers or food scraps: If you have a compost bin, you can use it to dispose of any leftovers or food scraps. Squirrels may be lured away from your garden and toward the compost bin by the aroma of the food.

Method 10: Harvesting and Storing Your Produce Properly

Another method for discouraging squirrels from your garden is to properly harvest and store your harvest.

You may discourage squirrels from wreaking havoc in your garden by removing and stowing away all the ripe produce they might otherwise be tempted to eat.

Here are a few things to keep in mind while you harvest and store your crops:

  • Harvesting your produce as soon as it is ripe: Produce that is picked at the peak of ripeness is less likely to be overripe, which means fewer losses from squirrels.
  • Storing your produce in a secure location: a shed, basement, or pantry are all good options for long-term storage of your harvest. This will keep food fresher for longer and out of the reach of squirrels.
  • Using a fruit cage or netting: if you have fruit trees or shrubs in your garden, try installing a fruit cage or netting to keep squirrels out. You may then pick the fruit when it’s ready without worrying about squirrels getting into it.

Method 11: Using Traps

Squirrels may be a nuisance in the garden, and trapping them can help. However, this approach should be used ethically.

You may pick between living traps and kill traps when setting up a trap. Squirrels may be safely captured in live traps and moved to a new place.

Release the squirrel at least 5 miles away from its original location, as directed by the manufacturer.

Contrarily, kill traps are intended to kill squirrels and shouldn’t be used unless absolutely necessary. If you decide to utilize a kill trap, remember to properly dispose of the dead squirrel as directed by the manufacturer.

Use traps only when it is legal to do so and in a responsible manner.

Method 12: Planting Your Garden in Containers

Putting your plants in containers is one technique to prevent squirrels from eating your garden. Squirrels can be deterred with the help of planters, pots, and other containers.

The pots can be placed on a deck, patio, or anywhere else out of reach of squirrels, away from trees and other structures.

If you have a tiny garden or don’t have the room or money for a fence or other physical barrier, this may be the best option for you.

And because of its portability, containers can be moved from place to place or even brought inside. Simply put your plants in a sunny location, use pots with enough drainage, and water them frequently.

Method 13: Hiring a Professional

After exhausting all other options, a professional squirrel exterminator may be your best bet for keeping those pesky rodents away from your yard.

Squirrels can be kept away from your property with the help of a wildlife control company or exterminator.

Fencing, netting, repellents, and traps are just some of the methods that could be used. Remember that it might be expensive and not always necessary to bring in the pros.

Make sure the person you recruit is qualified by education and experience, and that they practice humane and ethical standards.


Fencing, netting, sprays and repellents, physical deterrents, noise deterrents, visual deterrents, scent deterrents, planting squirrel-resistant plants, providing an alternative food source, harvesting and storing your produce properly, traps, and hiring a professional are all options for keeping squirrels out of your garden. The most effective strategy for keeping squirrels away from your garden may involve a variety of techniques, depending on the specifics of your circumstance.
