Best Insecticide for Spiders Outdoors

Although there are various ways to deal with your garden variety spiders, whether you want to trap them or kill them, it is more appropriate to use one of the best spider killer sprays available in our market.

The best insecticides for spider outdoor present in our market are easy to use with little to no experience.

The Best Outdoor Insecticide for Spiders

The best-rated and affordable outdoor insecticides for spiders you can buy on Amazon include:

#1. Miss Muffet’s Revenge Spider Killer

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Miss Muffet’s Revenge Spider Killer Indoor and Outdoor Spider Control is a top-notch spider killer made for a large capacity chemical that is odorless with non-staining formulae that kills more spider directly on contact.

It is one of the few formulas that you can use outdoors due to its high concentration of active ingredients and waterproofing. The brand is made of a 0.5-gallon canister usually accompanied by a sprayer attachment and a tube extension.


  • It is washable
  • It is ideal for outdoor application
  • Composed of both the sprayer and the extension tube
  • Can kill spiders on contact
  • It has a long residual control effect


  • Toxic for both human being and pets

#2. Harris Spider Killer – Best Odorless Spider Spray

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Harris Spider Killer comes in 32oz plastic spray bottles. It is an odorless formula harmless even during application and it does not stain wood, carpeting, or other materials as well as surfaces.

It is suitable for a variety of insects apart from spiders such as silverfish, ants, and roaches among others. It has a non-adjustable nozzle.


  • The brand is ideal for a residential application
  • Non-staining and odorless
  • 32oz spray bottles
  • Works on a wider range of insects apart from spiders.
  • Does not cause stain on wood, carpeting, or other materials and surfaces.


  • Not strong enough to kill on contact- only kills when completely dried.
  • Slightly delayed effect.

#3. Black Flag Spider & Scorpion Killer

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Black Flag Spider & Scorpion Killer is suitable if you are looking to kill spiders and scorpions. The formula comes in 16oz aerosolized spray cans which contain non-adjustable nozzle.

This brand can be accurate even from five feet away hence more recommended for homeowners. For large scale treatment, you can order a 12 pack and save a couple of bucks.


  • Accurate sprayer
  • Kills on contact
  • Capable of paralyzing and killing scorpions too
  • Available in both single and 12 packs.
  • Available in 12oz aerosolized spray cans with non-adjustable nozzles.


  • May require multiple applications for larger spiders.
  • Takes bit longer time for scorpions

#4. MDX Concepts Organic Home Pest Control Spray

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MDX Concepts Organic Home Pest Control Spray is the best option especially if you are warred of introducing toxic chemicals into your home. This brand uses natural insecticides.

It is composed of a unique combination of peppermint oil, vinegar, and other essential oils capable of killing spiders. For those warred about carpeting or furniture, this is the best furniture since it does not stain.


  • It is a natural formula.
  • Harmless-non toxic
  • Contains a pleasant scent.
  • Capable of killing within hours of application
  • A unique combination of peppermint oil, vinegar, and other essential oils to kill spiders
  • The product not only acts first on the spider but also long-lasting.
  • Naturally kills and eliminates other home-invading pests.


  • May stain some surfaces
  • Not directly on the contact

#5. TERRO T2302 Spider Killer Spray

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TERRO T2302 Spider Killer Spray comes from a manufacturer that has specialized in pest control for over 100 years with an outstanding record of social responsibility hence more reliable.

It is composed of pyrethrins and deltamethrin as active ingredients. The pack is composed of two 16-ounce cans.


  • The company producing it has a proven track record.
  • It provides a broad spectrum control
  • It has residual effects that can last up to three months
  • The spray offers good coverage
  • It offers long term protections for up to 12 weeks for maximum value
  • It is non-toxic to birds
  • It kills spiders instantly
  • It is affordable


  • Even though it is non-toxic to birds, it is poisonous to honeybees
  • It requires direct spraying

#6. Drione Insecticide Dust – Best for Spiders’ Eggs

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Drione Insecticide Dust contains pyrethrin, piperonyl butoxide usually packed in a 1-pound duster bottle, so you will not spend extra coast on purchasing spraying devices.

The product is versatile since it is not limited to killing spiders alone. It is one of the most effective spider killing solutions due to its first and efficient work on the pests.


  • The product is effective for killing spiders
  • Its effects last for six months
  • The spray is versatile as it is not limited for killing spiders only
  • Conveyed in duster bottles which can also be used for spraying hence reducing the coast of spraying devices.
  • It is suitable for killing spider eggs


  • It is expensive
  • It is not waterproof
  • It can easily be washed off

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