Bed Bug Exterminators Near Me: Cost & Reviews

Looking for bed bug removal services near you? Well, in this article I examine and list all reliable bed bug exterminators near you. This is a comprehensive list.

I will also include reviews and how much it costs to acquire the services of some of these pest control companies.

Can you See Bed Bugs?

Seeing bed bugs can be extremely hard. That even includes detecting them because their size is small and capable of hiding in tiny crevices and cracks.

Nevertheless, it’s proven that a plague related to a bed bug incursion is manifested on mattresses and in bedding.

More information on this subject is highlighted in the subsequent article, How Do You Get Bed Bugs in The First Place?

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Fast

Some of the fast ways to get rid of bed bug infestation in the home or house include:

Use of a Vacuum Cleaner

A vacuum cleaner can be used to eradicate bed bug infection quickly. Double bag the bedding before rinsing in boiling water.

That removes the interior bag after emptying the bedding into the washing machine to ensure no bed bugs remain alive. Dry the bedcovers for not less than 30 minutes.

The use of a vacuum cleaner is a simple and effective way to get rid of bed bugs from the home.

Use Hot Steam

Another great remedy of extinguishing bed bugs plus their eggs minus injuring the surroundings is the use of hot steam.

The application of this method ensures that bed bugs hiding inside the unreachable places including cracks and inside the mattresses are eradicated. That is because boiling water penetrates through any space targeted.

According to study findings by the US Environmental Protection Agency on bed bug extermination, one needs to cautiously check the seams or joints of all soft furnishings including mattresses in the home.

The article “How Do You Get Rid of Bed Bugs Fast, For Good, At Home?” provides an in-depth analysis of this subject.

Orkin Bed Bug Treatment Cost

Orkin bed bug treatment costs range between $500 and $1,500 to get completely get rid of bed bug based on the exterminator’s experience and the technique applied.

A majority of bed bug exterminators will charge a consultation fee, which comprises of doing a thorough home inspection and visiting the affected home.

Carrying out a thorough home examination is the first step taken in any control initiative of bed bugs. The process entails not only inspecting bed bud infested areas but also adjacent places.

It takes considerable time to examine these areas effectively depending on the size of the pest-ridden and surrounding areas and also the quantity of furnishings.

Any moment there is a need to treat bed bug infestation, the type of treatment and size of the affected area determines to price. In a typical control program, applying products exactly meant for bed bugs.

One can be required to remove certain things including some personal belongings, outlet plates, and carpet edges if necessary.

In case you decide to use a heat treatment method, it could be obligatory to remove certain materials like makeup and candles among others.

For the reason that there are limited possibilities of getting rid of bed bugs, I would be lying if I make a blanket statement regarding the costs involved in this program.

The situations vary across properties and thus, the issues encountered in each home vary. Because of that, estimates and quotes for the cost of controlling bed bugs can be well carried out locally.

Maybe, after a qualified Pest Specialist completes an inspection.

Terminix Bed Bug Removal Cost

Just like in my earlier statement, the cost of full removal of bed bug at Terminix range from $500 to $1,500, but the exact price is based on the selected eradication method and the exterminator’s experience.

Terminix uses a wide range of cures for commercial and residential infestations, comprising a non-toxic, fast treatment named RapidFreeze®.

RapidFreeze employs carbon dioxide (CO2) altered to snow or dry ice to freeze the bed bugs including their nymphs and eggs, after the interaction.

RapidFreeze is impeccable for organic industries, food processing plants, hotels, homes, and apartments.

Furthermore, at Terminix, other effective, safe treatments are used in place of or together with RapidFreeze to guarantee a thorough and quick end to that an infestation.

Some of the assurance given by Terminix regarding treatment or control of bed bugs include:

  • Terminix tailor-makes the control program to quickly get rid of bed bugs in the pest-ridden home.
  • Acquire a mattress encasement to ensure that the surety is prolonged to 90 days.
  • In case one finds bed bugs in the home before the end of 30 days after treatment, Terminix will carry out a repeat extermination service for free.

Bed Bug Exterminator Reviews

Reviews on bed bug exterminator focus on some of the popular companies offering the services. For instance, Bed Bugs, Etc.

Pest Control exterminator in Philadelphia, PA has professional bedbug exterminators known to assist people with insignificant pest control difficulties.

They reassure affected individuals who have kids and pets at home that the bed bug treatment would not have any adverse effect on them.

The services offered by technicians are great because the questions asked are responded to well. Moreover, they promptly give bed bug control options besides working within the agreed budget.

Their work in this area is thus reported to be excellent.

Some people stressed by itching related to bed bug infestation at home report that Philadelphia’s Bed Bugs, Etc. Pest Control Company really helped them.

That is because the exterminators from this firm provide the best solution. According to them, the technicians fully inspect homes, identify places infested with bedbugs and treat the plague.

Bed Bug Exterminator Prices

Bed bug exterminator prices vary depending on the nature of work done. There are bed bug extermination services for commercial spaces, multiunit properties, offices, and homes.

Professional bedbug controllers can perform multiple duties under the pest eradication program.

That may include inspections, termination or one-time removal and periodic control services, not forgetting offering recommendations on appropriate protective measures to take.

The infestation of a home by this pest can be in one bed, the entire property or home, or in one room. Killing can happen regardless of whether space is vacant or occupied.

Numerous causes impact on the cost of bed bug termination. They include:


Companies offering bed bug extermination services may charge an hourly fee and not base their rates on the number of available rooms.

For instance, the services offered in Wappingers Falls, New York, costs within the rate of $75 for every 45 minutes.

Number of Rooms

Quite often, bed bug exterminators have a predetermined fee rate charged to customers for each room.

The treatment charges comprise of extermination services for a typical quantity of furniture and that for light to the modest plague.

The more rooms one wants to be treated, the higher will be the entire cost. In Texas, Fort Worth, Alamo Pest Management usually charges $250 for every bedroom measuring 10×15-foot for light to the modest problem.

Free Bed Bug Inspection

Sometimes bed bug exterminators offer affected people free bed bug inspection services. A real pest review ought to be executed by a professional without any conferred interest in the definite results, whether negative or positive.

The best method to realize this is by giving a small fee for that examination to happen. By doing so, the inspector’s opinion stays neutral and may lead to getting an honest response.

At some bed bug control companies, impartiality remains a significant factor during the inspection. Accordingly, they seldom provide free bed bug inspection anywhere.

However, most of these companies offer free services on assessments for those in need of bed bug inspection.

What this statement means is that it’s better for someone in demand for a bed bug inspection not to select somebody who will provide one at no cost because a few things or services are offered for free in life.

Thus, it’s worth paying for some important services for things.

Professional Bed Bug Treatment Options

There are certain options one needs to consider when sourcing professional bed bug treatment services. Any bed bug professional hired should employ IPM.

That comprises observing for any bugs that could have been spared for the period of eradication. To maximize possibilities of being successful, professional bed bug treatment options considered include:

  • The pest management professional (PMP) needs to inspect the infested home and if necessary, take apart furniture and use pesticides, heat, and vacuums to treat the problem.
  • Employ the services of a PMP immediately as opposed to taking considerable time trying to handle the situation by yourself. Doing so may help prevent the spread of the infestation.
  • Employ a PMP with enough knowledge in solving bed bug infestations. Analyze the credentials of the company.
  • Be ready for several visits since infestations are rarely managed with one treatment only.

How do I Get Rid of Bed Bugs Myself?

Can I get rid of bed bugs by myself? Sure, but eliminating these pests can be challenging because they hide very well and rapidly reproduce. Bed bug treatment is thus, intricate.

The chances of success depend on several influences, including:

  • Level of the invasion.
  • Site-specific complexities such as:
    1. Having neighbors with infestations
    2. Cluttering together
    3. The capacity of all of the inhabitants to get involved

So, attaining thorough control of bed bugs may take weeks and even months, subject to the extent and nature of the infestation. Every person will have to join forces and play their role.

Read the article Home Remedies to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Yourself to understand how you can individual eliminate the pests.

What Kind of Charcoal Does the Exterminators use it

The kind of charcoal exterminators used to get rid of bed bugs include the use of diatomaceous earth. Its food-grade commonly sourced online or from home stores and at the farm. It dehydrates small bugs to death.

Exterminators may dust diatomaceous earth along baseboards, into carpets, under furniture, and onto furniture.

This is among the preferred medication over the cedar or cinnamon oil therapies for people sensitive to smells. However, diatomaceous earth can take more time to work.

Featured image credit: Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University, | slight edits were applied | licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

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